One of our all-time favorite cast members on Saturday Night Live is Kristen Wiig. And although Kimber and Matt dressed up as her Weekend Update personality, Kat and Garth, her Shana character is our favorite. Shana is a meticulously-dressed, sexy vixen a la Jessica Rabbit from Hollywood’s Golden Era, except that upon observation interested males are grossed out by unrestrained and sloppy stories and the consumption of food and beverage almost always involving flatulence.
Shana, played by Kristen Wiig, is the inspiration for Shana the Shasta’s name. Shana the Shasta’s Californian roots relate to Kristen Wiig’s Shana’s Hollywood Golden Era resemblance. Shana the Shasta’s meticulously remodeled exterior reminds of us Kristen Wiig’s Shana’s attractive physical presence. And perhaps we, the passengers, are the disappointing elements of observers with higher expectations than this ragtag family could ever possibly fulfill, and we have no intention to do so!